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Obtaining Convictions Remains Elusive

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

We need justice for Breonna Taylor. She was murdered as she slept in her bed, yet no charges have been brought against the police officers who took her life.

When the police use deadly force, the public wants to know why it had been necessary and whether their actions constituted murder. Despite numerous incidences which had been caught on video or others where the facts seemed to point to a sure conviction: many officers have not been found guilty of murder. Although, some cases have resulted in civil judgments, we're still left to wonder if justice has been served.

Victim Defendant Outcome

Lamar A. Smith Jason Stockley Acquitted

Sylville Smith Dominique H. Brown Not guilty of 1st degree reckless homicide

Philando Castile Jeronimo Yanez Not guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

Terrence Crutcher Betty Shelby Not guilty of felony manslaughter

Freddie Gray Brian Rice, Alicia White,

William Porter,

Garrett Miller,

Edward Nero,

Caeser Goodson 3 found not guilty, 3 had charges dropped

Samuel DuBose Raymond Tensing 2 mistrials-deadlocked juries

Walter Scott Michael Slager Convicted of 2nd degree murder-20 years

Akai Gurley Peter Liang Convicted of 2nd degree manslaughter and

official misconduct-5 years probation, 800

hours community service, 2 years probation

Eric Garner Daniel Pantaleo Grand jury decided not to convict


Now we arrive at the cases of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. In the Arbery and Floyd cases, charges have been filed and the accused have been apprehended. However, the Taylor case has not moved forward. In Jefferson County Kentucky, the criminal complaint can be filed--with the requisite evidence--however, the decision to go forward remains at the discretion of the prosecutor.

An investigation continues. At its conclusion, we need the criminal complaint to be filed on behalf of Ms. Taylor.


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