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Reparations-America Owes Us Too

What are reparations?

Proposed policies that seek to remedy the legacy of Black economic disparities which include, but are not limited to, cash payments. $10 trillion dollars is one figure that has been proposed.

How do reparations fit into the larger narrative of racial justice?

Reparations seek to correct the centuries-long accumulation of economic and social disadvantage that continue to affect the descendants of Africans who were forced into the institution of slavery within the United States from 1619 to 1865.

Who has been involved?

Many people, just like you, are becoming aware and more involved every day. Here are few notable advocates: Dr. William “Sandy” Darity, economics professor at Duke University, has conducted extensive research and published numerous books and articles on the subject. Attorney, Antonio Moore “Tone Talks” and political activist, Yvette Carnell “Breaking Brown”, came together to form American Descendants of Slavery (A.D.O.S.) to advocate for reparations, promote political education and the development critical political analysis.

Examples of reparations:

HR 442 (100th) P.L. 100-383: Civil Liberties Act of 1987/1988

Reparations for American Citizens and permanent residents of Japanese ancestry who had been placed into internment camps during World War II, was signed by President Ronald Reagan on August 10, 1988.

· the process began with the formation of a commission

· it was accompanied by a formal apology

· this law appropriated $1.25 billion for the reparations fund

· $20,000 cash payment to 60,000 individuals

· made “refusal to accept” irrevocable

In 2001, the United States was named as one defendant in a lawsuit filed in U.S. federal court in Miami by Holocaust survivors, due to the mishandling of valuable assets, which and been stolen and abandoned by Nazis at the conclusion of World War II. The suit originally sought a $200 million compensation. However:

· in 2005, a settlement of $25.5 million dollars was reached

· of which, $21 million went to humanitarian aid to assist survivors

· with $500,000 set aside to establish an archive



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